Recreational Insurance Basics

There are lots of different types of insurance coverage to consider. Recreational insurance, however, often gets overlooked. You have invested in your recreational vehicles, so it is only right that you should protect those investments as well. At Hermes Insurance Solutions serving Sanger, TX and the surrounding areas, we can help you determine the best insurance coverage for your recreational items. 

Recreational Insurance: What You Need To Know

What Is Considered A Recreational Item?

Recreational vehicles can include the following:

  • ATVs
  • Campers
  • Boats
  • Jet skis
  • Snowmobiles
  • Some RVs
  • Others 

You can speak with an insurance representative to determine what other types of vehicles may qualify. 

Do I Need Rec Insurance?

Although rec insurance is not always required by law, it is still a good idea. It protects you and the investment you have made in your vehicles. 

What Does Rec Insurance Cover?

Most policies will provide the following types of coverage:

  • Property damage/collision– If the rec vehicle is involved in an accident, the policy will cover damage to the vehicle. 
  • Liability– If the rec vehicle damages someone else’s property or injures someone, this coverage can help pay for the expenses the incident creates. 

What Happens Without Insurance?

If you choose not to insure your rec vehicles, you could find yourself paying out of pocket for expenses. This could get very expensive, especially if other people are hurt or their property is damaged. 

Contact Us Today

If you would like to learn more about recreational vehicle insurance, or any of our other forms of insurance, please contact us at Hermes Insurance Solutions, serving Sanger, TX and the surrounding areas. We will be happy to help you today. 

Why All Renters Need Renters’ Insurance

When you are a renter, it’s important to protect what you have and to protect yourself from certain high costs that can become necessary. Because you don’t own the property, you don’t have to insure the dwelling itself- that’s for the landlord to do. What you need are a specific type of insurance that protects your property and your liability. If you rent, you need this important coverage. To get this policy, give us a call now at Hermes Insurance Solutions in Sanger, TX.

Protection for What You Own

As a renter, most to all of what you own will be inside your rented home. With so much in your home and the value of it all added together, it is worth a lot. That’s why you need renters’ insurance to protect it all. With this type of insurance, all of your belongings are covered by the policy. The policy covers a number of types of disasters, accidents, etc. When one of these happens and your possessions are destroyed, your policy will pay for you to replace them all. This coverage is highly important to have in place to protect yourself financially. 

Protection for Your Liability

As a renter, you are in charge of what happens inside your home. You might not own it, but you are responsible for what happens there. This means that if a third party came to your home and had an accident with injuries, you would be responsible for paying their medical bills and other expenses. When you have renters’ insurance, it will pay for these bills to protect you financially. 

Get Renters’ Insurance

If you rent and you don’t yet have renters’ insurance, there’s no time to waste. Give us a call today at Hermes Insurance Solutions in Sanger, TX to get started with a policy. 

How Do I Choose The Right Motorhome Insurance Policy?

When looking for motorhome insurance, it’s important to find the right policy to fit your needs. There are a lot of different factors to consider when making your decision, and it can be tricky to figure out which policy is right for you.

Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind when choosing motorhome insurance:

1. Get the Right Coverage for Your needs

There are a lot of different types of motorhome insurance policies out there, and not all of them will be right for you. Make sure to research and find the policy that will give you the coverage you need. Companies like Hermes Insurance Solutions in Sanger, TX can help you find the right policy for your needs.

2. Consider Your Budget

You don’t want to overspend on your motorhome insurance policy, but you also don’t want to skimp and end up with inadequate coverage. What you should do is take a close look at your budget and figure out how much you can reasonably afford to spend on premiums. Once you have a number in mind, you can start shopping around for policies that fit into your budget.

3. Get Multiple Quotes

Getting multiple quotes will help you compare rates and coverage options so that you can find the best policy for your needs. You see, each insurance company uses different criteria when determining rates. This is why it’s so important to get quotes from several companies.

4. Read the Fine Print

One of the most vital things you can do when shopping for motorhome insurance is to read the fine print. Every policy is different, and you need to know exactly what you’re getting before signing on the dotted line.

Give Us A Call

Choosing the right motorhome insurance policy doesn’t have to be difficult. Just remember to do your research, ask lots of questions, and read the fine print. If you’re ever in doubt, Hermes Insurance Solutions in Sanger, TX is always here to help. We’re happy to answer any of your questions and help you find the perfect policy for your needs.

What Are The Different Types Of RV Insurance Coverage?

There are many different types of RV insurance, which is why it’s a good idea to shop around and find the one that suits your needs. 

Even if you’re not traveling, your RV is a major investment, and you never know when something might happen. For help in the greater Sanger, TX community, visit Hermes Insurance Solutions. 

Various RV Insurance Coverage and What They Entail 

Basic RV insurance. This protects you from the low-hanging fruit of a claims scenario. It’s great for keeping your RV in case of a major loss. 

Comprehensive RV insurance protects your investment in case of a covered loss, such as a fire, lightning strike, or flood. This protects you from the low-hanging fruit of a claims scenario. It’s great for keeping your RV in case of a major loss. 

RV/trailer insurance covers your RV and your trailer. It also includes a certain amount of liability coverage in case something happens to your RV. 

As with most investments, it’s a good idea to have some type of insurance. Some of the common types of RV insurance are: 

  • Motor Home RV insurance – covers the RV when it is on the road, while some RV insurance plans also cover the RV when it is parked.
  • Travel trailer RV insurance – covers the RV when it is parked and used as a home.
  • Fifth wheel RV insurance – covers the fifth wheel RV as it is also used as a home.
  • A-frame RV insurance – covers the RV as it is used as a home.
  • Other RV insurance – covers other RV types that are not listed above.

Contact Us Today

If you own an RV that is only used for recreational purposes like camping, you will probably only need basic RV insurance. 

However, if you own an RV that is used for work or if you use your RV as a primary residence, then you will probably need additional types of RV insurance coverage. Hermes Insurance Solutions in Sanger, TX is the expert you need for insurance advice. 

What Does Collision Coverage On My Motorcycle Insurance Policy Cover?

Collision coverage is one of the essential options that you should add to your motorcycle insurance policy. Many riders in Sanger, TX and beyond don’t understand why they need collision coverage. Here are insights into collision coverage.

What Does Motorcycle Collision Insurance Cover?

Collision coverage will pay to repair your motorcycle if it gets physically damaged in an accident. This coverage applies whether you are the at-rider or the accident was caused by the other driver. This means that if you have motorcycle collision insurance, you will be able to easily fix your bike after an accident without using your own money. Moreover, if your motorcycle is totaled, collision coverage will pay to have it replaced.

What Doesn’t It Cover?

At Hermes Insurance Solutions, we believe that knowing what motorcycle collision insurance doesn’t cover is as vital as knowing what it doesn’t. This is because understanding the limits of your motorcycle insurance will enable you to get the right coverage.

Collision coverage doesn’t cover your medical bills if you are injured in the accident. It will also not take care of the medical bills of any other person who is injured due to the accident. Additionally, it doesn’t cover damage to other vehicles or property resulting from the accident.

Important Things to Know

Your motorcycle collision insurance covers your bike up to its current cash value after the deductible is paid. Therefore, it’s essential that you stay informed on your motorcycle’s current cash value. Additionally, since it can be challenging to pay your deductible after an accident, it’s best that you keep your deductible at an affordable amount that you can raise without much difficulty.

Do you want to learn about motorcycle insurance in Sanger, TX? Hermes Insurance Solutions has friendly, highly experienced insurance experts who will help you understand motorcycle insurance and get the best deal. Call us today.

5 Facts about boat insurance in Sanger TX

Don’t get stranded in The Lone Star State. Boat insurance can help keep you afloat.

More than anything, boat insurance can make cruising the waterways much more enjoyable. Hermes Insurance Solutions knows that these policies are about preparing for the worst. Serving Sanger, TX, the agency wants to grant you some peace of mind.

For this reason, the agency lists the following: 

Five facts about boat insurance

Boat insurance covers any watercraft.

Based on the name alone, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Boat insurance offers specialized protection for any motorized watercraft. Most policies shield against damage or loss through collision and comprehensive coverage.

But the benefits go even further.

Boat insurance covers so much more. It’s designed mostly for the people on board. You, your guests, and other boaters benefit from boat insurance. Through bodily injury and property damage liability, you and your assets are secure.

Boat insurance isn’t required in Texas.

Although it’s not mandated by law, boat insurance is still a necessity. The advantages of having full coverage far outweigh the risks of going without it.

Home insurance isn’t enough.

Some homeowners incorrectly assume that their boat is already protected. The coverage provided by these policies is typically limited. Only a dedicated boat insurance plan will ensure full coverage.

Boat insurance isn’t seasonal.

Don’t let your policy lapse during the winter. Many mistakenly cancel their boat insurance. While this can seem like a way to save money, problems could still arise even in storage. Accidents, natural disasters, vandalism, and theft could cost even more in the long run.

Contact an agent serving Sanger, TX

Inadequate coverage can sink your fun. Hermes Insurance Solutions wants to throw you a lifeline. Their expert agents can create an individualized boat insurance policy. Set up an appointment today.

Can your TX-based business benefit from umbrella insurance?

Hermes Insurance Solutions is here to help business owners in the greater Sanger, TX area. Our team can assist with all insurance matters, including commercial umbrella policies. We are proud to serve the insurance needs of our community!

Benefits of umbrella insurance for TX companies

Owning a business in today’s world is more than a full-time job. If you are wondering if your firm has the insurance protection it needs, it may be time to consider a commercial umbrella insurance policy.

With an umbrella policy, you can provide even more protection for your company. Primary commercial policies typically have maximum payout limits that are in force throughout the policy’s life. This means that if you exhaust your primary policy, your firm may be financially liable for any damages that exceed the policy payout amount.

Don’t let this happen to your company! With a commercial umbrella policy, you are able to protect your assets, inventory, and other investments above the policy limit amount of your primary commercial policy.

We are here to walk you through your options and help you to determine if an umbrella policy makes sense for your company. We are a full-service insurance provider and want to work with the business owners in our community. If you have any questions about umbrella insurance or any type of insurance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you protect your dedication and hard work. Call us today.

Give us a call and find out more!

If you are a business owner in the Sanger, TX area, you can rely on Hermes Insurance Solutions for all of your commercial insurance needs. Call today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to working with you!

Auto Insurance Coverage Options

Hermes Insurance Solutions assists the Sanger, TX community and the surrounding areas. For over 20 years, we have helped our clients protect what matters most. We’re proud that we established long-lasting relationships with many of our clients. We offer unique policies that our clients can adjust to as things change in their lives. We are committed to helping you obtain the insurance that you need.

Auto Insurance Coverage Options

Auto insurance is important. You likely rely on your vehicle for daily transportation throughout Sanger, TX and beyond. You can’t predict the actions of other drivers on the road or the road conditions. Auto insurance gives you a safety net that you can rely on if something happens. Perhaps you are involved in a collision with another driver. Maybe you parked your car in a safe space, but a powerful thunderstorm came through and destroyed your rear window. Auto insurance covers you in those situations. You are also covered if you make a mistake and hit someone or something. Liability coverage handles the damages.

You also have the ability to add more coverage to your policy. Personal injury protection covers your injuries if you get hurt in a collision. You can also add uninsured motorist coverage. This policy protects you if a driver that doesn’t have insurance hits your vehicle. If you are traveling fairly long distances in your vehicle, you can add roadside assistance coverage. This type of coverage protects you so that you won’t be stranded in an unfamiliar place. Perhaps you are traveling to Houston and your car battery dies, or you suffer a flat tire. You will receive immediate help to get you back on the road safely.  

Hermes Insurance Solutions Will Help You Cover Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about auto insurance.

7 Commercial Insurance Terms You Should Know

There are many unfamiliar terms you’ll come across in your commercial insurance policy paperwork or that you’ll hear from your insurance agent. It’s a good idea to gain an understanding of what these mean as soon as possible so that you don’t have to figure them out when you go to file a claim. An agent from Hermes Insurance Solutions of the greater Sanger, TX area can assist you with understanding what’s relevant to you. 

Here are some of the more common terms you’ll find in commercial insurance. 

Business Interruption Insurance

This offers your company protection if you experience any commercial losses from an event that causes you to halt your operations temporarily.

Effective Date 

The effective date of your policy is the exact date when the policy begins to provide coverage. 


Exclusions are the specific perils or hazards (events/causes) that are not covered by the insurer’s plan. 


The premium is the amount that the policyholder pays to the insurance company in order to get coverage through their policy. 

Product Liability Insurance 

This protects your company in the event that anyone files a claim after they’ve experienced losses due to a malfunction, defect, or some other issue with a product that your company sells. 

Umbrella Insurance 

This is the type of policy that exists to meet gaps in coverage with your current business insurance policies. It protects you in the event that a loss occurs that your policy doesn’t cover completely or at all. 

Workers’ Comp

This is the shorthand you’ll often hear for workers’ compensation insurance. This offers coverage to your employees if they experience losses after an illness or injury that occurs while they’re conducting work tasks for your company. 

What commercial insurance is required in Texas?

Texas has a business climate that is friendly and many businesses have been relocating to Texas. So far this year, more than 200 businesses have chosen to move to Texas. Businesses in Texas are required to have some commercial insurance and it is important that they know exactly what that is. In Sanger, TX,  Hermes Insurance Solutions has the information they need to choose the right commercial policy to protect their particular business. 

The only mandated commercial insurance for businesses is commercial auto insurance. What you are required to carry is commercial auto liability coverage. You need to have 30/60/25. That is $30,000 for one person in an accident where your business vehicle is at fault, and the total accident of $60,000. Your business also must have $25,000 for property damage, 

While this is the required coverage, there is other commercial insurance that pretty much every business should opt to carry. 

Commercial liability insurance protects your business from legal action gains it. In any year, you stand between a 30-50% chance of being on the receiving end of legal action. Businesses are easy targets and given the size of judgments these days, you could lose your business if you don’t have commercial liability insurance to protect you. 

Commercial property insurance protects more than just your physical building. It provides coverage even if you rent your building. You have a lot of things that you need to do business, such as machinery, office equipment, raw materials, inventory, and business records. Many hazards are included in this coverage, including theft and vandalism.

If you are a business owner in or near Sanger TX,  Hermes Insurance Solutions would like to sit down with you and discuss the needs of your business. You can give us a call to make an appointment or just stop in at our office.